Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016

Favorite Pokemon

Favorite Pokémon
by: Arryo

Holla! I have a topic to start writing blog again, followed with some spare time while at the office and college still holiday. This time would be about Pokemon. Nowadays, Pokemon Go virus had been spreading all across the world, from children to adults also played it. Besides, my social media timeline was full of Pokemon Go issue.

Instead of the app, I prefer to discuss about the Pokemon. Before that, Here’s short description of Pokemon. The name Pokemon is the Romanized contraction of the Japanese brand Pocket Monsters. The franchise was created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995, and is centered on fictional creatures called "Pokémon", which humans known as Pokémon Trainers catch and train to battle each other for sport. Consist of 6 generations (updated 2016), with different kind of monsters at each generation.

I bet you guys had played before or known what Pokemon was. Pokemon mascot goes to Pikachu, that  cute tiny yellow electric mouse with a red circles on its cheeks. However, Pikachu is not my favorite one, and here I listed down my top 3 favorite Pokemon:


Look at this cute sea creature with majority of blue color over its body. It has four flippers, and its front ones are notably larger than its hind flippers. It has long neck and large black eyes. Its most distinguishing feature is the gray shell on its back, which is largely dotted with blunt knobs.
Lapras also known as social Pokemon, and swim through the sea in large pods. Since Lapras is very docile and does not like to fight, so its fond of ferrying people on their backs. Lapras is Water / Ice type Pokemon.


Fierce look

Like its name, Mightyena is based on a hyena. It lives in a pack in the wild. As a member of this pack follows the orders of its leader and chases down prey. It gives obvious signals when it is about to attack, as it starts to growl deeply and flattens its body. Mightyena defeats foes with perfectly coordinated teamwork. Mightyena is a Dark type Pokemon.


Cute Overload

Hypno is a human –like Pokemon with yellow skin. It has two triangular, ears on the top of its head and two sleepy looking eyes with a large nose underneath. Hypno also has arms and hands, which both have five digits. It is also always carrying a small pendulum, which it uses in most of its Psychic based attacks.
Fortunately, Hypno is Psychic  Pokemon, so it is able to put people to sleep. It can sense the dreams the victim is having, so it knows what kind of dream it would be eating. If anyone comes by, Hypno will hypnotize them and eat their dreams. While it awaits its prey, it polishes its pendulum. *Love the nose on that sleepy face while carrying a small pendulum, so cute!

I had listed down my top 3 favorite Pokemon. However, there were some Pokemon that got my attention though. But, not as my favorite. On the other hand, there were so many useless Pokemon that I dislike, which are Rattata, Zubat, Pidgey, and others random and weak Pokemon that love to show up everywhere in Pokemon World!

Despite that, I believe you all have your own favorite Pokemon that would be not the same with mine. If you are playing Pokemon to the next level (Pokemon Go), I wish you good luck, stay safe, and "Gotta Catch'em All".

Senin, 18 Juli 2016

Future, Expectation, Appearance and Reality

Future, Expectation, Appearance and Reality

by: Arryo

Holla! Back again this July 2016 with a new topic that was not related to Jeon No Min ssi profile. Took me a day to complete and write down this feature as I need to structure sentences properly. *Pardon My English*

It was my Uncle whom inspired me for this topic. Few days ago, when we chatted about things that we fear of (actually it was me that shared a thing that I fear of and I told him I was scared of problems that will come that I could not handle… Blah blah blah, HAHA). Then at some point he replied “I have a thing about fear. Future, Expectations, Appearance, Real”. It took me a moment to understand what was that mean.

Unfortunately, I could not completely understand what is that mean. However based in my opinion, we all have future of our own path as God has been set it up for anyone of us. Future is something that we have to face and we have to prepare it for a better one later. We didn’t know what the outcome would be, but at least we try to do the best for it. Then, we started to expect what is the good way for future.

Expectations. At this point, we started to expect. We put our goals so high hoping that we could accomplished it.

Before I wrote down my opinion for Appearance, I list down an example that I found on other website.

Appearance: The way that someone or something looks. Example as below,
Napoleon’s Leadership Appearance:
1. Napoleon’s leadership according to Squealer was that Napoleon was doing a better job than Mr. Jones.
2.  Squealer would compare being slave with Mr. Jones to being free with Napoleon.
3. The animals believed that Napoleon was a better leader because they didn’t want Jones back.

In this case, I describe “we” as judges of the plan that been made at expectations point before. From my point of view, we planned everything that we think was right due to accomplish our own goals.

Reality: The world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. Example as below:
Napoleon’s Leadership Reality:
1. Napoleon was a dictator.
2. He killed animals if they disagreed with him.
3. He created a hierarchy of the animals.
4. He was unfair and didn’t tell the animals what was going on.
Thanks to: https://prezi.com/rykgdeikqtgr/appearance-vs-reality-animal-farm/

 My conclusion from the example, reality contradictive with appearance. Reality provide the fact of Napoleon, as Appearance based on people opinions toward Napoleon. If I related to my case, the reality sometimes appeared to be something that’s not what we’re expecting and it brought us a big disappointment of what we believe in.

I repeat it one more time, most of it was my opinion. So if you found it wrong, any comments to me would be appreciated.

More importantly, I would like to say thank you to my Uncle, as he shared to me lots of useful information, including this one (Later, I will ask him for the explanation about those points). Anyway, I’m glad and happy to know the fact that he is a smart, caring, nice and kind person. I hope that he could be someone that I can depend on beside my parents and brothers. Thank you Uncle!

Senin, 27 Juni 2016

Jeon No Min Short Profile

전노민 (Jeon No Min) Short Profile
by : Arryo

Holla! I am back again to update my affairs. Last month was a hectic month, lots of assignments plus Exams took 2 weeks. Well, yeah busy with my college life. Later on, I got an idea to update my blog again with new topic, and it would be short profile information about my favorite Korean actor 전노민 (Jeon No Min).

The information that I got was in Korea language, mostly haha. Unfortunately,  I only knew a little bit of Korea language (through Drama and Movie). To help myself for this topic, I used goog*e translate :D and asked Ms. HyunJoo (Korea person) to translate a bit for me haha.

Before that I wanted to thanks Ms. HyunJoo for providing a lot of information and pics about전노민 (Jeon No Min). She played a big role to provide all those information to me and to every Jeon No Min’s fans. Moreover, she created a website for Jeon No Min’s fans to share updated news about Jeon No Min.  Here is the website link

Jeon No Min profile
Name : 전노민 (Jeon No Min)
Birth Name : 전재룡 (Jeon Jae Ryong)
Date of Birth : Sunday, 28 August 1966
Place of Birth : Incheon, South Korea
Blood Type : A
Horoscope : Virgo
Family Relationship : The youngest of 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Height : 176 cm
Weight : 74 kg
Hobby : Tennis, Golf, Baseball, and sports
Education : 순천향 대학교(SoonChunHyang University), English Language & Literature

Below were his drama list, movie list, theater show, awards. I skip the drama list and so on, because it was to long to list it all.

Additional info, He had a theater show on 1st July 2016, and until this mid year, he took part in 3 dramas, which were딴따라 (Entertainer), 기억 (Memory), 그래, 그런거야 (Yes, That’s How It Is). While a short drama he took part was나청렴의원 납치사건, I had no idea what the English title was, because it was a short drama consist of 2 episodes only.

Below a bonus pics of Jeon No Min, source from jeonnomin.com (fansite)

Yes, That's How It Is Drama
딴따라 drama, *sad*
Attended "Memory" Drama after party
Favorite one :D
That muscle!!! with that iPhone 6+ (Gold I think) and that made me really want to use an iPhone 6+ like him. But, I still curious about the color of his iPhone. Anyway, to all the fans of Jeon No Min. Go check and visit jeonnomin.com for more pics and update information of Jeon No Min. I visit the site everday too, waiting for the news and feel excited. Always supports Jeon No Min and Jeon No Min’s fan site. Yeah, ♥ 전노민 (Jeon No Min)

Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

Overseas Students Life

Overseas Students Will Face This
by: Arryo

Holla! I’m back again to update a new topic for my blog. Lately, I updated my blog with Indonesia language, because of the college assignments, and Indonesia is my main language by the way. So just info, this topic is not my assignment, and I want to write down what it feels like when you away from home.

The main reason for teenagers to study abroad are trying to be independent! Of course, this topic is suitable for everyone out there who study abroad or will study abroad.

Everyone do hope to study abroad and feels like it is fun and free to live separate from parents and siblings. The other hand, it is not that fun like what you guys think. Living alone have their own challenge and problems that need to overcome by our own.  Here I listed problems that I faced while away from home for college (Based on my experience).

1. Homesickness

This is the most common thing that occured to everyone wherever you are adult or teenager, and epsecially me too. Even though, how noisy your parents were, how annoying your brother/sister were. At the end, you will miss every single things around your house. Also, your memory with your best friends back then will make you even more missing about your hometown.

2. Independent to survive

For the first time in your life, you do everything on your own. You’ve arrived in the different town or country. Start from unpacking your stuffs in your new accommodation and cleaning your room while crying out loud because of unfamiliar situation. You will realize that no one to talk about your sadness, because you know it will make your parents sad about it.

3. Early Month paradise, End of month dying

No detailed explanation for this one, you spend too much cash in early months, instant noodles will be your everyday meals by the end of months to survive lol. Basically, coins are your savior by the end of the month. Advice for you guys, save your spare change (coins) for later, it will be useful. Also, manage your money wisely, and be mature.

4. Language and Culture

Different country or city, means different culture and language. Like it or not, we have to adapt it. Fact is, you will find yourself difficult to communicate with someone around, because you could not understand every idiom, accent and every element of regional slang that they used to use. Your new friends will find it funny of your accent and the way you speak, just because you don’t get used to it. However, the problem will go away later.

5. Ego / Selfish

Over the year, you become selfish and did not care anyone around you. You just think the good for yourself. I think it is just natural that one personality will change. Probably, felling loneliness is a main factor.

6. Everything should be instant and simple

Messy room? Snack? Instant cup noodles? Bingo! Everything must be done in simple way ‘cause you have no time for that stuffs. No timeto tidy up the room, no one cook for you,so you often wish for a someone to clean the room and preparing good food or you could delivery some foods too. Fast, Nice and Simple.

There are still a lot of problem you will face while study abroad. Let’s say the food that is not suit your taste, small accommodation, friends problem, and more. But it is all depends on you. How you overcome the problem, how you manage time, adapt to the new environment, live healthy, and so on.

As this is my third years living in a different city (not country). I am so grateful that I still can handle things that coming. And info for you guys that still hesitate to study abroad, do not afraid to try. It will not give you a loss, instead you will get a great experience while you’re still young.

If you have some experiences to share with, comment or email me at ryosien32@gmail.com

Rabu, 27 April 2016

Vegan Is Fashion Community

Vegan Is Fashion

Vegan Is Fashion biasa disingkat VIF merupakan komunitas dari Jakarta yang cocok untuk para fashionista yang peduli dengan lingkungan hidup. VIF yang terbetuk pada tahun 2015 tepatnya pada tanggal 28 Agustus telah berkembang hingga sekarang dengan jumlah anggota yang semakin bertambah. Para fashionista dapat tampil keren dan cantik tanpa harus membunuh makhluk hidup lain dengan mengikuti komunitas ini.

VIF berfokus pada fashionista untuk berhenti menggunakan produk kulit asli  dengan tetap dapat tampil menarik. Semakin banyak fashionista yang tampil vegan dengan menggunakan material yang sahabat lingkungan, semakin banyak makhluk hidup yang tertolong dan menjaga spesies makhluk hidup tidak punah.

Beberapa event seminar dan model fashion dengan bahan sintetis telah didisplay dan diselengarakan beberapa kali di Jakarta dengan mengajak beberbagai fashionista yang terlebih remaja-remaja untuk berani tampil beda dengan tidak menggunakan kulit asli. VIF saat ini masih terus berkembang dan menargetkan untuk mendapatkan banyak sponsor untuk dapat melakukan berbagai event lebih lanjut dan meluas.

Bagi para fashionista yang ingin bergabung dan berpartisipasi atau memberikan dana sponsor kepada VIF dapat menghubungi contact person yang tertera di bawah. Dengan kontribusi para fashionista, anda telah melakukan gerakan “VIF Protects Animals”

Vegan Is Fashion Headmaster
ryosien32@gmail.com / IG: @arryo_ryo

Rabu, 20 April 2016

Tugas Media Online: Kesadaran Satu Orang Mempengaruhi Lingkungan

Nama : Arryo                                                                          Kelas : 6MIK1
NIM : 14130271

Tugas Media Online (Media Online Assignment) 

Kesadaran Satu Orang Mempengaruhi Lingkungan

Seperti anak kecil ini yang dengan antusias menanam tumbuhan untuk membantu mengubah bumi ini menjadi lebih baik untuk masa depan. Tumbuhan sehat dan segar terlihat tumbuh dengan baik dan tinggi karena perhatian yang khusus dari anak kecil ini. Anak kecil ini sangat peduli terhadap lingkungan tempat tinggalnya, dengan adanya pengetahuan tentang pentingnya lingkungan yang sehat dan sejuk.

Anak kecil seumuran dengan yang terlihat di foto, sangat bagus dan penting untuk diberikan pembelajaran dan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya lingkungan hidup yang ditempati. Hal ini, karena tumbuhan tumbuh dengan baik, manusia juga mendapatkan keuntungan yang banyak dari tumbuhan tersebut. 

Dalam rangka meningkatkan kesadaran remaja akan lingkungan hidup, Universitas Bunda Mulia yang biasa dikenal dengan “UBM” menggelar sebuah acara Photography and Essay Exhibition UBM. Acara yang berlangsung dari 19 – 23 April 2016, tentu mengundang banyak pengunjung terutama mahasiswa UBM yang tergerak untuk mulai sadar akan pentingnya lingkungan hidup.

Berbagai foto dan artikel opini karya dari mahasiswa UBM menghiasi  stand yang dibangun di tengah plaza UBM yang menjadi tempat yang bagus untuk menjadi spot yang cocok menarik perhatian setiap orang yang berlalu.

Teriknya matahari pelan-pelan berubah menjadi cahaya rembulan yang menerangi langit yang gelap tidak juga membuat suasana acara Photography and Essay Exhibition UBM sepi akan pengunjung. Mahasiswa UBM shift malam tetap antusias dan semangat untuk merapat ke acara tersebut, karena mereka sadar akan pentingnya lingkungan hidup untuk masa kini dan masa depan.

“Saya sangat suka dengan foto yang dipajang disini, dimana terlihat beberapa gambaran yang prihatin akan keadaan lingkungan Jakarta. Hal itu tentu membuat saya sebagai mahasiswa harus berupaya untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran untuk menjaga lingkungan sekitar saya. Jika tidak, bisa saja kondisi Jakarta akan semakin parah kedepannya.” Ujar Ted, salah satu pengunjung dan mahasiswa UBM.

Acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Prodi Ikom UBM, membuahkan hasil yang bagus, dimana mahasiswa /i tergerak untuk lebih peduli terhadap lingkungannya. “Tidak perlu menyelenggarakan acara yang besar. Meskipun acara simple, tetapi pesan yang ingin disampaikan dapat tersampaikan kepada pengunjung dengan tepat, maka kesuksesan acara sudah didapatkan” ujar Pak Yuri selaku pembina acara yang diselenggarakan.

Kesadaran peduli lingkungan tentu harus diberitahukan dan diajarkan kepada anak kecil dan remaja sejak dini. Pengetahuan tentang penting adanya tumbuhan di bumi ini mulai dari fotosintesis yang mengubah karbondioksida menjadi oksigen untuk manusia, mengurangi global warming, sampai menyerap air untuk menghindari bencana banjir. Gerakan dari satu orang sangat mempengaruhi untuk menjaga dan kelestarian lingkungan hidup di masa yang akan mendatang.