Senin, 18 Juli 2016

Future, Expectation, Appearance and Reality

Future, Expectation, Appearance and Reality

by: Arryo

Holla! Back again this July 2016 with a new topic that was not related to Jeon No Min ssi profile. Took me a day to complete and write down this feature as I need to structure sentences properly. *Pardon My English*

It was my Uncle whom inspired me for this topic. Few days ago, when we chatted about things that we fear of (actually it was me that shared a thing that I fear of and I told him I was scared of problems that will come that I could not handle… Blah blah blah, HAHA). Then at some point he replied “I have a thing about fear. Future, Expectations, Appearance, Real”. It took me a moment to understand what was that mean.

Unfortunately, I could not completely understand what is that mean. However based in my opinion, we all have future of our own path as God has been set it up for anyone of us. Future is something that we have to face and we have to prepare it for a better one later. We didn’t know what the outcome would be, but at least we try to do the best for it. Then, we started to expect what is the good way for future.

Expectations. At this point, we started to expect. We put our goals so high hoping that we could accomplished it.

Before I wrote down my opinion for Appearance, I list down an example that I found on other website.

Appearance: The way that someone or something looks. Example as below,
Napoleon’s Leadership Appearance:
1. Napoleon’s leadership according to Squealer was that Napoleon was doing a better job than Mr. Jones.
2.  Squealer would compare being slave with Mr. Jones to being free with Napoleon.
3. The animals believed that Napoleon was a better leader because they didn’t want Jones back.

In this case, I describe “we” as judges of the plan that been made at expectations point before. From my point of view, we planned everything that we think was right due to accomplish our own goals.

Reality: The world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. Example as below:
Napoleon’s Leadership Reality:
1. Napoleon was a dictator.
2. He killed animals if they disagreed with him.
3. He created a hierarchy of the animals.
4. He was unfair and didn’t tell the animals what was going on.
Thanks to:

 My conclusion from the example, reality contradictive with appearance. Reality provide the fact of Napoleon, as Appearance based on people opinions toward Napoleon. If I related to my case, the reality sometimes appeared to be something that’s not what we’re expecting and it brought us a big disappointment of what we believe in.

I repeat it one more time, most of it was my opinion. So if you found it wrong, any comments to me would be appreciated.

More importantly, I would like to say thank you to my Uncle, as he shared to me lots of useful information, including this one (Later, I will ask him for the explanation about those points). Anyway, I’m glad and happy to know the fact that he is a smart, caring, nice and kind person. I hope that he could be someone that I can depend on beside my parents and brothers. Thank you Uncle!

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