Sabtu, 27 Mei 2017

It's a Long Distance Relationship (LDR), not a written Fairy Tale Story

It's a Long Distance Relationship, not a written Fairy Tale Story

by : Arryo

Hola, readers! How was your Saturday night? Was it full of love in the air? Or perhaps waiting for a knight on a white horse to rescue you from the doomed castle? Hehe. Hoped it was not that bad. Starting from there, I got a new topic to write down again.

Before I start, do you believe that Long Distance Relationship (LDR) could end up with happy ending? I will leave the answer for you guys. I read like tons of LDR quotes before I started writing, and this quote got my attention, it said “People who say long distance relationships never work, clearly haven’t met us.” Pretty cool, isn’t it?

Basically, what I will spill out on here is about the things that you will encounter in LDR. Of course, it was based on writer’s experiences (Haha) sad. (I even wrote this on one lonely Saturday night). If you wanted to try LDR then you better read this first.

Non-stop “I miss you” syndrome is the best part

After the long hours of video call, it will not aid the “I miss you” feeling. Hehe. You will never get enough talking to your loved one. Then, you start texting again saying “I miss you so much and I love you.” Or probably make it a bit dramatic, who knows!?

But… those last precious 10 minutes as always

*Video Call* Your SO said “Alright baby, I’ll hang up now.” and you just like “But, babeb… Emmm.. Can I ask for your ten more minutes?” *Repeat*. That explained it all!

Those favourite secret midnight call

Love is all about sacrifice… sleeping time too! Cannot help, your body automatically wakes up at 3 AM or suddenly an enormous power runs through your body to keep you awake, just so you can talk to your SO (11 hour difference).

Desperately waiting for a reply

Believe me, it was super awful and it happened often! That unbearable anxious and sad feeling hit you, while your bae suddenly left with no reply for a day or probably three days for the worst part. In the end, you went upset and frustrated.

It is so UNFAIR!

Sometimes, you just have to accept the fact that you were in a LDR. In fact, seeing some hot couples walked down the street hand in hand really kill your Saturday’s mood. Next thing you probably will do is, lock yourself in the room and start blaming the unfairness situation.

Tears could be helpful too

I understand the unbearable mix up feeling going on there. All those ups and downs could leave you burst into tears, whether you like it or not. It is good though knowing that’s the reminder of how much you love your SO. You will feel at ease too after this. Just enjoy those tears that fell down.

Shout-out to all LDR-ers on earth! Have faith in your LDR, perhaps it would be a good ending for you. You know how precious your bae is and learn from all the ups and downs until the day where the plane ticket will be one way. Worth to experience it!

Photo Credits : Logan Smith, memegenerator, @missfittosuccess, getty images, rlretraining, giphy

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