Kamis, 02 November 2017

Graduated at Twenty-Two

Graduated at Twenty-Two

by : Arryo

I believe everyone has their favourite month of the year, while mine is November. Luckily this November, I’m turning twenty two.  Generally, twenty-two is the phase where students graduated from college after four years of struggling for their bachelor degree. Of course, that made them happy and their parents proud of them. Aside from the good news, most of this fresh graduates will encounter the fear of what the future lies ahead, especially the overseas students.

No plans

The most common question that was asked to the fresh graduates is “What is your plan after you graduated?” or “What you wanna do after you graduated?”. And the simplest answer to that is “I don’t know.”. That’s the fact! But some of them will stick with the plan to find a nine-to-five job as soon as possible.

Being unemployed

Sent your employment letter to every single company everyday non-stop. Went into several job interviews and being rejected. At the end of the day, you are still unemployed and it makes you realized that finding a job is not as easy as what you have predicted. In the worst scenario, the trauma of being turned down will dent your confidence.

Money to survive

Whether you are overseas students or not, one thing for sure is that we all need money to live. This is the most difficult problem to deal with, especially for overseas students. They must learn how to spend their money wisely, from renting, foods, groceries and others. If you’re still unemployed, then how to survive with no income? Except from your parents.

Burden your parents

At this point, you will start feeling bad to keep asking your parents to support your needs.  Even though, they did not mind it at all. But, you couldn’t resist the feeling of how irresponsible you are.


Summing up the misfortunes that happened from being unemployed, no proper plans, financial problem, ages, can often be viewed as a sign of failure in society. I believe one of the biggest fear as a human is, the fact of being rejected / unaccepted in society as a failure and that could lead to depression.

If you happened to feel that way, then please take note about this.  A gentleman once told me about this “Do not mind of what other people think of you. They did not have the power to control over you. In the end, you are the one who is in charge of yourself.”

He added “You are not worthless for being unemployed. So, all you need to do is trying the best as you can and make your decision to keep going. Because, you are worth more than that.”

So, get back on your feet and deal with the pressure! It takes time, we just did not know when or how the life-changing moments came to us. Keep trying the best and remember to enjoy every moment that you have right now. Because, “you will figure it out.”

By any chance, if you were reading this post, I would like to thank you!

Photo Credits : UNCONN, kisscom, fastweb, bidpal, timeincapp, about-dyslexia

Sabtu, 27 Mei 2017

It's a Long Distance Relationship (LDR), not a written Fairy Tale Story

It's a Long Distance Relationship, not a written Fairy Tale Story

by : Arryo

Hola, readers! How was your Saturday night? Was it full of love in the air? Or perhaps waiting for a knight on a white horse to rescue you from the doomed castle? Hehe. Hoped it was not that bad. Starting from there, I got a new topic to write down again.

Before I start, do you believe that Long Distance Relationship (LDR) could end up with happy ending? I will leave the answer for you guys. I read like tons of LDR quotes before I started writing, and this quote got my attention, it said “People who say long distance relationships never work, clearly haven’t met us.” Pretty cool, isn’t it?

Basically, what I will spill out on here is about the things that you will encounter in LDR. Of course, it was based on writer’s experiences (Haha) sad. (I even wrote this on one lonely Saturday night). If you wanted to try LDR then you better read this first.

Non-stop “I miss you” syndrome is the best part

After the long hours of video call, it will not aid the “I miss you” feeling. Hehe. You will never get enough talking to your loved one. Then, you start texting again saying “I miss you so much and I love you.” Or probably make it a bit dramatic, who knows!?

But… those last precious 10 minutes as always

*Video Call* Your SO said “Alright baby, I’ll hang up now.” and you just like “But, babeb… Emmm.. Can I ask for your ten more minutes?” *Repeat*. That explained it all!

Those favourite secret midnight call

Love is all about sacrifice… sleeping time too! Cannot help, your body automatically wakes up at 3 AM or suddenly an enormous power runs through your body to keep you awake, just so you can talk to your SO (11 hour difference).

Desperately waiting for a reply

Believe me, it was super awful and it happened often! That unbearable anxious and sad feeling hit you, while your bae suddenly left with no reply for a day or probably three days for the worst part. In the end, you went upset and frustrated.

It is so UNFAIR!

Sometimes, you just have to accept the fact that you were in a LDR. In fact, seeing some hot couples walked down the street hand in hand really kill your Saturday’s mood. Next thing you probably will do is, lock yourself in the room and start blaming the unfairness situation.

Tears could be helpful too

I understand the unbearable mix up feeling going on there. All those ups and downs could leave you burst into tears, whether you like it or not. It is good though knowing that’s the reminder of how much you love your SO. You will feel at ease too after this. Just enjoy those tears that fell down.

Shout-out to all LDR-ers on earth! Have faith in your LDR, perhaps it would be a good ending for you. You know how precious your bae is and learn from all the ups and downs until the day where the plane ticket will be one way. Worth to experience it!

Photo Credits : Logan Smith, memegenerator, @missfittosuccess, getty images, rlretraining, giphy

Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

Insight of the favorite American Photographer

Insight of the favorite American Photographer

by : Arryo

Hola! One topic again for my affairs. It’s been three weeks. I started my internship required for graduating with my bachelors degree. I’m writing online content at a Jakarta entertainment magazine. The work is challenging churning out copy rapidly in English.  However, I can’t begin to put a value on how much I’m learning and developing skills which will undoubtedly aid me in the future.

Online magazine content is different than writing for a blog and my patience are tested as I struggle with writing completely in English. The higher stress is good and my English vocabulary is growing daily. I’m fortunate to have new friends to ease the stress.

Speaking of that, I’m proud of myself when I see the article published on the site, especially when the article required very little editing (haha..) Sounds simple, isn’t it? But, that’s the fact.

Apparently, I was asked to write an article last time, about Indonesian professional photographers. Then that topic came to me for my blog, since I have one favorite photographer too, whom is Uncle Paul Shefferly. He based in USA and has a Master of Fine Art. His photography and techniques are brilliant and innovative.

Although, I’m not a fan of arts, Uncle Paul’s artworks are exception. I’ve listed my personal favorites below.

My favorite, this image effects me on so many different levels I can’t come up with just one word to describe how I feel when I look at it. which made this picture as my favorite of all. Like the name “confluence”, which merged the visual effects of black and white combined with a color negative. The Chicago skyline nestles into the Green River Canyon, Utah. Reminding me of a small village that surrounded by cliffs. It’s a brilliant piece.

Setting Moon, Rising Sun
Uncle Paul calls this a digital composite, it consist of three separate photographs layered in photoshop to create this stunning image of the Super Moon November 2016. The image initially made as a birthday card for his daughter is his representation of the days we complete adding one on to another as we achieve our goals in life.

Pink Roses
Playing with macro mode is one of this humble man’s speciality and it is one of the special present “birthday card” that I got on my 21st birthday. A tight focus on the flowers and one can almost smell the fragrance. Moreover, the entire flower collection will undoubtedly dazzle you.

Uncle Paul also has tons of amazing photograph that guaranteed, you couldn’t believe what you saw! In addition to his photography the multi-talented man also makes his own frames. Starting from wood frames to handmade clay frames with faux rock and metal finishes. Believe me, you will love all his artworks in an instant.

Do not worry, He put his artwork on market for every art lover to own! To purchase it, click here.

Photo Credits: Paul Shefferly 

Senin, 27 Februari 2017

Next Holiday: Seychelles

Next Holiday: Seychelles

by: Arryo

Holla~ It's been 6 months since last time I updated my blog ;') Let me tell you something, I went on a vacation with family in January 2017, it was fun, as I went back to hometown for 2 weeks and half (I guess). To do that, I ought to resign from the tour staff position. Sounds stupid? Actually, that was not the main reason of resign. It was because, I must worked as an itern to complete the Bachelor degree requirement. So, I took that chance for holiday. Thankfully, I found an internship position as an online writer at online media company. (need alot to learn)

Back to the topic! (I blabbered most part of my life already, haha) Okay, for this topic, it would be different with the previous posts. The fact is, mostly about my favorite Korean Actor Jeon No Min ssi though :D. This topic would be about the destination for your next holiday. Find it out below:

Seychelles's Map
A new destination for adventurous travelers is Seychelles, which is an archipelago of the 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, off East Africa. Consists of beautiful shores alongside the white sandy beaches with clear blue turquoise waters and spectacular mountains adventures that were waiting up ahead.

Seychelles is not just suitable for adventurous travelers, it also fits perfectly for honeymooners or couples that were looking for a good place to spend together. As it is one of the best place to relieve stress, enjoying the nature’s beauty and to create good memories for the couples.

Popular with the islands, every island has their own signature and attractions while each island offers their own exciting activities for travelers to enjoy their holiday. Travelers who like to do water sports, like snorkeling or diving could go to Port Launay, on Mahe. On Mahe, they were so many different kinds of fish in many beautiful colors that you can met. Hiking is also available in the Morne Seychellois National Park, and make sure to pay a visit to the Botanical Gardens.

Mahe Snorkeling
Morne Seychellois National Park (Hiking)
For those who love to challenge your adrenaline, Seychelles also provided you with that kind of sport. See the jungle through the 120-m long zip line in a different perspective. Zip through along the forest with the guides that will inform you about the habitat at there.

Zip Line
Fishing also available in Seychelles for those who love fishing, because it has one of the best spots in the world for it. Seychelles Tourism Board included the best time for fishing is between November and April. Meanwhile, You could travel to other islands through the island hopping tour with ferries if you want to sightseeing, and of course the booking has to be made beforehand.

Beach in Seychelles
Adventurous or free and easy holiday will be in your hand by visiting Seychelles. Make sure to mark your next holiday in calendar to Seychelles and have some fun there. (Credits: as shown in the pictures)