Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

Insight of the favorite American Photographer

Insight of the favorite American Photographer

by : Arryo

Hola! One topic again for my affairs. It’s been three weeks. I started my internship required for graduating with my bachelors degree. I’m writing online content at a Jakarta entertainment magazine. The work is challenging churning out copy rapidly in English.  However, I can’t begin to put a value on how much I’m learning and developing skills which will undoubtedly aid me in the future.

Online magazine content is different than writing for a blog and my patience are tested as I struggle with writing completely in English. The higher stress is good and my English vocabulary is growing daily. I’m fortunate to have new friends to ease the stress.

Speaking of that, I’m proud of myself when I see the article published on the site, especially when the article required very little editing (haha..) Sounds simple, isn’t it? But, that’s the fact.

Apparently, I was asked to write an article last time, about Indonesian professional photographers. Then that topic came to me for my blog, since I have one favorite photographer too, whom is Uncle Paul Shefferly. He based in USA and has a Master of Fine Art. His photography and techniques are brilliant and innovative.

Although, I’m not a fan of arts, Uncle Paul’s artworks are exception. I’ve listed my personal favorites below.

My favorite, this image effects me on so many different levels I can’t come up with just one word to describe how I feel when I look at it. which made this picture as my favorite of all. Like the name “confluence”, which merged the visual effects of black and white combined with a color negative. The Chicago skyline nestles into the Green River Canyon, Utah. Reminding me of a small village that surrounded by cliffs. It’s a brilliant piece.

Setting Moon, Rising Sun
Uncle Paul calls this a digital composite, it consist of three separate photographs layered in photoshop to create this stunning image of the Super Moon November 2016. The image initially made as a birthday card for his daughter is his representation of the days we complete adding one on to another as we achieve our goals in life.

Pink Roses
Playing with macro mode is one of this humble man’s speciality and it is one of the special present “birthday card” that I got on my 21st birthday. A tight focus on the flowers and one can almost smell the fragrance. Moreover, the entire flower collection will undoubtedly dazzle you.

Uncle Paul also has tons of amazing photograph that guaranteed, you couldn’t believe what you saw! In addition to his photography the multi-talented man also makes his own frames. Starting from wood frames to handmade clay frames with faux rock and metal finishes. Believe me, you will love all his artworks in an instant.

Do not worry, He put his artwork on market for every art lover to own! To purchase it, click here.

Photo Credits: Paul Shefferly