Senin, 27 Februari 2017

Next Holiday: Seychelles

Next Holiday: Seychelles

by: Arryo

Holla~ It's been 6 months since last time I updated my blog ;') Let me tell you something, I went on a vacation with family in January 2017, it was fun, as I went back to hometown for 2 weeks and half (I guess). To do that, I ought to resign from the tour staff position. Sounds stupid? Actually, that was not the main reason of resign. It was because, I must worked as an itern to complete the Bachelor degree requirement. So, I took that chance for holiday. Thankfully, I found an internship position as an online writer at online media company. (need alot to learn)

Back to the topic! (I blabbered most part of my life already, haha) Okay, for this topic, it would be different with the previous posts. The fact is, mostly about my favorite Korean Actor Jeon No Min ssi though :D. This topic would be about the destination for your next holiday. Find it out below:

Seychelles's Map
A new destination for adventurous travelers is Seychelles, which is an archipelago of the 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, off East Africa. Consists of beautiful shores alongside the white sandy beaches with clear blue turquoise waters and spectacular mountains adventures that were waiting up ahead.

Seychelles is not just suitable for adventurous travelers, it also fits perfectly for honeymooners or couples that were looking for a good place to spend together. As it is one of the best place to relieve stress, enjoying the nature’s beauty and to create good memories for the couples.

Popular with the islands, every island has their own signature and attractions while each island offers their own exciting activities for travelers to enjoy their holiday. Travelers who like to do water sports, like snorkeling or diving could go to Port Launay, on Mahe. On Mahe, they were so many different kinds of fish in many beautiful colors that you can met. Hiking is also available in the Morne Seychellois National Park, and make sure to pay a visit to the Botanical Gardens.

Mahe Snorkeling
Morne Seychellois National Park (Hiking)
For those who love to challenge your adrenaline, Seychelles also provided you with that kind of sport. See the jungle through the 120-m long zip line in a different perspective. Zip through along the forest with the guides that will inform you about the habitat at there.

Zip Line
Fishing also available in Seychelles for those who love fishing, because it has one of the best spots in the world for it. Seychelles Tourism Board included the best time for fishing is between November and April. Meanwhile, You could travel to other islands through the island hopping tour with ferries if you want to sightseeing, and of course the booking has to be made beforehand.

Beach in Seychelles
Adventurous or free and easy holiday will be in your hand by visiting Seychelles. Make sure to mark your next holiday in calendar to Seychelles and have some fun there. (Credits: as shown in the pictures)