Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016

Favorite Pokemon

Favorite Pokémon
by: Arryo

Holla! I have a topic to start writing blog again, followed with some spare time while at the office and college still holiday. This time would be about Pokemon. Nowadays, Pokemon Go virus had been spreading all across the world, from children to adults also played it. Besides, my social media timeline was full of Pokemon Go issue.

Instead of the app, I prefer to discuss about the Pokemon. Before that, Here’s short description of Pokemon. The name Pokemon is the Romanized contraction of the Japanese brand Pocket Monsters. The franchise was created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995, and is centered on fictional creatures called "Pokémon", which humans known as Pokémon Trainers catch and train to battle each other for sport. Consist of 6 generations (updated 2016), with different kind of monsters at each generation.

I bet you guys had played before or known what Pokemon was. Pokemon mascot goes to Pikachu, that  cute tiny yellow electric mouse with a red circles on its cheeks. However, Pikachu is not my favorite one, and here I listed down my top 3 favorite Pokemon:


Look at this cute sea creature with majority of blue color over its body. It has four flippers, and its front ones are notably larger than its hind flippers. It has long neck and large black eyes. Its most distinguishing feature is the gray shell on its back, which is largely dotted with blunt knobs.
Lapras also known as social Pokemon, and swim through the sea in large pods. Since Lapras is very docile and does not like to fight, so its fond of ferrying people on their backs. Lapras is Water / Ice type Pokemon.


Fierce look

Like its name, Mightyena is based on a hyena. It lives in a pack in the wild. As a member of this pack follows the orders of its leader and chases down prey. It gives obvious signals when it is about to attack, as it starts to growl deeply and flattens its body. Mightyena defeats foes with perfectly coordinated teamwork. Mightyena is a Dark type Pokemon.


Cute Overload

Hypno is a human –like Pokemon with yellow skin. It has two triangular, ears on the top of its head and two sleepy looking eyes with a large nose underneath. Hypno also has arms and hands, which both have five digits. It is also always carrying a small pendulum, which it uses in most of its Psychic based attacks.
Fortunately, Hypno is Psychic  Pokemon, so it is able to put people to sleep. It can sense the dreams the victim is having, so it knows what kind of dream it would be eating. If anyone comes by, Hypno will hypnotize them and eat their dreams. While it awaits its prey, it polishes its pendulum. *Love the nose on that sleepy face while carrying a small pendulum, so cute!

I had listed down my top 3 favorite Pokemon. However, there were some Pokemon that got my attention though. But, not as my favorite. On the other hand, there were so many useless Pokemon that I dislike, which are Rattata, Zubat, Pidgey, and others random and weak Pokemon that love to show up everywhere in Pokemon World!

Despite that, I believe you all have your own favorite Pokemon that would be not the same with mine. If you are playing Pokemon to the next level (Pokemon Go), I wish you good luck, stay safe, and "Gotta Catch'em All".