Senin, 27 Juni 2016

Jeon No Min Short Profile

전노민 (Jeon No Min) Short Profile
by : Arryo

Holla! I am back again to update my affairs. Last month was a hectic month, lots of assignments plus Exams took 2 weeks. Well, yeah busy with my college life. Later on, I got an idea to update my blog again with new topic, and it would be short profile information about my favorite Korean actor 전노민 (Jeon No Min).

The information that I got was in Korea language, mostly haha. Unfortunately,  I only knew a little bit of Korea language (through Drama and Movie). To help myself for this topic, I used goog*e translate :D and asked Ms. HyunJoo (Korea person) to translate a bit for me haha.

Before that I wanted to thanks Ms. HyunJoo for providing a lot of information and pics about전노민 (Jeon No Min). She played a big role to provide all those information to me and to every Jeon No Min’s fans. Moreover, she created a website for Jeon No Min’s fans to share updated news about Jeon No Min.  Here is the website link

Jeon No Min profile
Name : 전노민 (Jeon No Min)
Birth Name : 전재룡 (Jeon Jae Ryong)
Date of Birth : Sunday, 28 August 1966
Place of Birth : Incheon, South Korea
Blood Type : A
Horoscope : Virgo
Family Relationship : The youngest of 3 brothers and 3 sisters
Height : 176 cm
Weight : 74 kg
Hobby : Tennis, Golf, Baseball, and sports
Education : 순천향 대학교(SoonChunHyang University), English Language & Literature

Below were his drama list, movie list, theater show, awards. I skip the drama list and so on, because it was to long to list it all.

Additional info, He had a theater show on 1st July 2016, and until this mid year, he took part in 3 dramas, which were딴따라 (Entertainer), 기억 (Memory), 그래, 그런거야 (Yes, That’s How It Is). While a short drama he took part was나청렴의원 납치사건, I had no idea what the English title was, because it was a short drama consist of 2 episodes only.

Below a bonus pics of Jeon No Min, source from (fansite)

Yes, That's How It Is Drama
딴따라 drama, *sad*
Attended "Memory" Drama after party
Favorite one :D
That muscle!!! with that iPhone 6+ (Gold I think) and that made me really want to use an iPhone 6+ like him. But, I still curious about the color of his iPhone. Anyway, to all the fans of Jeon No Min. Go check and visit for more pics and update information of Jeon No Min. I visit the site everday too, waiting for the news and feel excited. Always supports Jeon No Min and Jeon No Min’s fan site. Yeah, ♥ 전노민 (Jeon No Min)