Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

Overseas Students Life

Overseas Students Will Face This
by: Arryo

Holla! I’m back again to update a new topic for my blog. Lately, I updated my blog with Indonesia language, because of the college assignments, and Indonesia is my main language by the way. So just info, this topic is not my assignment, and I want to write down what it feels like when you away from home.

The main reason for teenagers to study abroad are trying to be independent! Of course, this topic is suitable for everyone out there who study abroad or will study abroad.

Everyone do hope to study abroad and feels like it is fun and free to live separate from parents and siblings. The other hand, it is not that fun like what you guys think. Living alone have their own challenge and problems that need to overcome by our own.  Here I listed problems that I faced while away from home for college (Based on my experience).

1. Homesickness

This is the most common thing that occured to everyone wherever you are adult or teenager, and epsecially me too. Even though, how noisy your parents were, how annoying your brother/sister were. At the end, you will miss every single things around your house. Also, your memory with your best friends back then will make you even more missing about your hometown.

2. Independent to survive

For the first time in your life, you do everything on your own. You’ve arrived in the different town or country. Start from unpacking your stuffs in your new accommodation and cleaning your room while crying out loud because of unfamiliar situation. You will realize that no one to talk about your sadness, because you know it will make your parents sad about it.

3. Early Month paradise, End of month dying

No detailed explanation for this one, you spend too much cash in early months, instant noodles will be your everyday meals by the end of months to survive lol. Basically, coins are your savior by the end of the month. Advice for you guys, save your spare change (coins) for later, it will be useful. Also, manage your money wisely, and be mature.

4. Language and Culture

Different country or city, means different culture and language. Like it or not, we have to adapt it. Fact is, you will find yourself difficult to communicate with someone around, because you could not understand every idiom, accent and every element of regional slang that they used to use. Your new friends will find it funny of your accent and the way you speak, just because you don’t get used to it. However, the problem will go away later.

5. Ego / Selfish

Over the year, you become selfish and did not care anyone around you. You just think the good for yourself. I think it is just natural that one personality will change. Probably, felling loneliness is a main factor.

6. Everything should be instant and simple

Messy room? Snack? Instant cup noodles? Bingo! Everything must be done in simple way ‘cause you have no time for that stuffs. No timeto tidy up the room, no one cook for you,so you often wish for a someone to clean the room and preparing good food or you could delivery some foods too. Fast, Nice and Simple.

There are still a lot of problem you will face while study abroad. Let’s say the food that is not suit your taste, small accommodation, friends problem, and more. But it is all depends on you. How you overcome the problem, how you manage time, adapt to the new environment, live healthy, and so on.

As this is my third years living in a different city (not country). I am so grateful that I still can handle things that coming. And info for you guys that still hesitate to study abroad, do not afraid to try. It will not give you a loss, instead you will get a great experience while you’re still young.

If you have some experiences to share with, comment or email me at ryosien32@gmail.com